6.7 C
Σάββατο, 8 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025

    Κυπριακή Αεραθλητική Ομοσπονδία (ΚΑΟ)

    Cyprus Airsports Federation
    Olympic House, Office B206 Amphipoleos 21, 1687 Nicosia POBox 28940 2084 Nicosia

    The CYPRUS AIRSPORTS FEDERATION (C.A.F.) is the umbrella organization for all Airsports associations in the Republic of Cyprus. It is officially recognized by the State as the sole establishment to:

    represent the best interests of Cypriot Airsports associations nationally and in international fora such as the FAI (The) World Airsports Federation and Europe Airsports

    regulate the development of all Airsports in Cyprus

    co-ordinate and support Airsports organizations

    encourage and promote all Airsports activities as they are defined by the Cyprus Sport Organisation and the FAI (The) World Airsports Federation.

    The CAF is a member of the Cyprus Sport Organization and the Cyprus Olympic Committee. It is an active member and represents Cyprus in FAI (The) World Airsports Federation and in Europe Airsports.


    Membership is restricted to associations that have objectives similar to those of the CAF. Members can be Temporary, Active, Associate or Honorary depending upon their interests and activities.


    The following authorities administer the CAF:

    General Assemblies, Regular and Extraordinary

    Administrative Council

    Airsport Unions

    Judicial Committee

    Special Committees, Administrative, Financial and/or Technical which are set up by a decision of the A. C.


    The General Assembly of Members is the ultimate administrative body. It defines the policies of the CAF within the framework of its Constitution, decides on matters not covered by the Constitution and elects the Administrative Council. Only regular members take part at the General Assembly.


    The A. C. manages the routine affairs of the C.A.F. The A. C. consists of the President, 8 (eight) elected members and as many Vice Presidents as there are active Airsports Unions on its Register. The Presidents of the active Airsports Unions automatically become members of the A. C. They bear the title of Vice-Presidents specializing in their own particular discipline. They have full rights and all the obligations of elected members.


    The Judicial Committee, with the aim of satisfying Airsports Justice:

    Judges the matters submitted by the A. C. that refer to violations of Provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws as well as airsports deontology.

    Imposes penalties on Associations or individual Members of the Member Association of the CAF.

    Issues an opinion on questions raised by the G. A., the A. C. or the Associations, through the A. C.

    Decides on any matter of interpretation of the Constitution, Internal Regulations or the International Airsports Regulations.


    The Airsports Unions:

    Draw up and revise regulations for their functioning and submit them to the A. C. for approval.

    Draw up programs of the activities of their airsport and submit them to the A. C., the latest by October of the previous year, for approval. They make provisions for the implementation of the programs after their approval.

    Draw up regulations for their airsport as well as training regulations and submit them to the A. C. for approval by the G. A. It is implicit that no proviso of these regulations will be in contradiction to other provisos of the present Constitution, the laws of the State or regulations of international Organisations that the particular Union is a member of.

    Keep an archive of the individual and group records and they submit proposals to the A. C. for bestowing distinguished and honour certificates.

    Carry out studies for the development of their airsport.

    Submit to the A. C. proposals for the subsidy of the Associations that they represent, in accordance with the activities and development of each one.

    Advise the A. C. on matters of their responsibility.


    At the present C.A.F. organizes championships and Cup competitions in the following airsports:



    General Aviation



    Microlight aircraft flying

    Πρόεδρος: Δημήτρης Χατζηδημητρίου
    Γενικός Γραμματέας: Ευθύμιος Λιασής
    Διεύθυνση: Τ.Θ. 28940,2084 Λευκωσία
    Τηλ: 22 339771
    Φαξ: 22 339772
    E-mail: demetrakis@cytanet.com.cy
    Ιστοσελίδα: www.caf.org.cy