9 C
Δευτέρα, 17 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025

    Aegean Cyprus Men’s National Golf Championship 2018

    Minthis Golf Course 8 – 9 December 2018




    1.  Eligibility

    Entries for the Aegean Cyprus Men’s National Championship will be accepted from gentlemen players members of the Cyprus Golf Federation who may or may not be permanently resident in Cyprus, are Cyprus Passports holders or citizens of the Republic of Cyprus, and conform in all respects to the current Amateur Status Rules of the R&A. Additionally, at Registration, entrants must produce proof of their citizenship status (passport/ID).

    Entries will only be accepted via the official electronic form found on the CGF’s website and must be submitted by the closing date, 5th December 2018. For on-line registrations, conditions and payment of entry fees please see the Tournaments Registration section of the CGF website http://www.cgf.org.cy.

    All entries shall be subject to approval by the Championship Committee which reserves the right to accept or refuse, or having accepted, to subsequently reject any entry without giving reason for its decision which shall be final. The Championship Committee reserves the right to disqualify any competitor making a false statement on his entry form.


    2.  Form of Play

    The Championship will be decided by Stroke Play off the white tees in a 2-round event over 36 holes, to be played at Minthis GC. The player with the lowest gross score over 36 holes will be the Cyprus National Champion 2018. The leading 16 players after the first round will continue to compete for the Championship on Final day, while the rest of the field will compete for the Championship Plate. In the event of a tie for the Championship, there will be an immediate “sudden death” play-off over hole 18. The Championship Plate will be decided by Stableford points off full handicap, played from the yellow tees on the final day of the event. In the event of a tie for the Championship Plate and all other prizes (see paragraph 10 below), the following procedures will be applied in sequence to decide the result: Best score over last 18, 9, 6, 3, 2, 1 hole respectively. This is a handicap qualifying competition and players’ scores will be electronically transmitted through CGF’s handicapping software to their home clubs. Pace of play will be monitored by Referees. Please play a provisional ball if in doubt.


    3.  Handicap Limits and Categories

    The maximum Handicap for entry is EGA exact 28.0. In the event of the Championship being oversubscribed, entries will be decided by the exact handicap as shown in the National Handicap database and published on the CGF’s website and date of entry received. This will take place immediately after the closing date for entries. Unsuccessful entrants will be informed without delay but may be given the opportunity to compete if scratching subsequently occurs.


    4.  Fees

    The Entry Fee is € 85.00 (€ 35.00 for MGC Members). Payment should be submitted with the completed entry form.  No entry forms will be accepted unless accompanied by appropriate payment. Credit Cards accepted are, Visa or MasterCard. In the event of withdrawal after the closing date, 5th December 2018, the entry fee will not be refunded. The fee covers the 2 competition rounds, prizes and buffet meal during the Prize Presentation function an Final day.

    The Entry Fees does not cover green fees for any practice rounds, which have to be booked with and paid for directly to the course.



    Any caddies to be used, must be fully aware of golf etiquette and need to be notified to the Championship Committee  on registration. Electric or manual trolleys may be used but must not be taken onto tees or greens. Electric and manual trolleys are available for hire at Minthis pro-shop; players wishing to reserve one should contact the course Reception directly (Tel: 26 842200).


    The Aegean Cyprus Men’s National Championship 2018

    1. BUGGIES.

    Use of buggies is optional during the tournament play days. The use of buggies however is governed by the course’s rules and regulations currently in force, which must be respected at all times. A limited number of buggies are available for hire at Minthis pro-shop on a first come first served basis; players wishing to reserve one should contact the course Reception directly (Tel: 26 842200).


    7.  Rules.

    The Championship will be played in accordance with the rules of golf as approved by the R & A, the Cyprus Golf Federation, and in accordance with the Local Rules endorsed by the Championship Committee. The Championship Committee reserves the right to undertake random checks on conforming equipment. Distance measuring devices as provided for in the Local Rules (Rule 14.3, Appendix IV.5) are permitted on all competition days. On-course Referees will give rulings, but the Championship Committee is the final arbiter of all on and off course disputes.


    8.  Registration and Starting Times.

    On or after the closing date, December 5, 2018, entrants should contact the CGF during office hours (09:00 to 13:00 Monday through Friday – Tel: 22 449 874, or e-mail <cgf@cgf.org.cy>) to confirm acceptance of their entry unless already notified of their acceptance by CGF. All players must confirm their participation for the first day of the Championship by calling 99 629267 not later than 1:00pm on Friday, December 7, 2018. Starting times for the first day of competition will be published on the CGF’s website (http://www.cgf.org.cy) and will also be available at the tournament notice board at the course and at Minthis GC Reception desk (Tel: 26 842200) from Friday afternoon (7th December) prior to the Championship. The Championship Committee reserves the right to fix and/or alter the starting times and amend the regulations as necessary. All alterations and amendments will be posted on the official notice board at the CGF desk at the course. Starting times for the final day will be published on the CGF’s website and will be available at the Minthis GC Reception desk by 18:00 on Saturday, 8th December. Players are reminded that they must complete Course Registration and collect scorecards on arrival at Minthis GC on each day of the competition at least thirty minutes before their tee time. Failure to start on time: Rule 6-3 will apply.

    9.  Practice

    The Entry Fee does not include a practice round. Players wishing to book a practice round should book their individual times directly with Minthis Reservations desk (Tel: 26 2842200 email: golf@minthisresort.com). Normal green fees will be payable by non-MGC members for practice rounds. Players should note that, when playing practice rounds, the course will not necessarily be set up as for the Championship. Practice facilities (driving range etc.) at Minthis GC will be open daily at least one hour prior to the first starting time.


    10.  Prizes.

    The winner of the Aegean National Championship will be “Cyprus Aegean National Champion” of the year. The winner of the Aegean National Plate will be “Cyprus Aegean National Plate Champion”. In addition there will be overall Gross and Net prizes. No player may win more than one prize. Prizes will be designated in order of priority


    11.  Social.

    Meals and refreshments may be purchased at the Minthis clubhouse throughout the competition. CGF has requested that the clubhouse opens at least an hour before the first tee off time on both days of the competition and remains open for at least one hour after the end of play.


    12.  Mobile Telephones.

    The use of mobile telephones by players while on the golf course is absolutely prohibited, even if in silent mode. NO SMS messages are allowed during play. Breach of this Condition will result in disqualification.


    13.  Lockers.

    Club storage areas will be available; please enquire at the Minthis GC pro shop when booking your practice round or on first day registration, subject to availability.


    14.  Medical Care

    During play, a doctor will be on call at players’ own cost.


    By order of the Cyprus Golf Federation                                                               Nick Rossides

    Olympic House,                                                                                                   General Secretary

    Amphipoleos 21, Office B208                                                                               October 2018

    2025, Nicosia, Cyprus

    Tel:  + 357 22 449 874 (09:00 -13:00 Mon – Fri only)                                                                                                                                    

    Fax: + 357 22 449 876

    E-mail: cgf@cgf.org.cy Website: http://www.cgf.org.cy

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